Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Schiffer Publishing guest blog


Author and patriotic quilter Renelda Peldunas-Harter guest blogs
Head over to the Schiffer Publishing tumblr page for a guest post written by Renelda Peldunas-Harter, author of the upcoming From Ensign's Bars to Colonel's Stars: Making Quilts to Honor Those Who Serve.

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Baaad Sheep Exhibit!!

Quilts for the "Baad Sheep" exhibit are starting to come in!!
Look at "SAY MY NAME".
Is it Walter White baaad or what?!?

Can't wait to see what comes in next!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Row By Row

If you are anything like me you have been collecting the Row By Row patterns from local and regional quilt shops!!

My favorite one so far has been from "The Scrappy Apple" in Winchester, VA!! The theme this year is 'seasons' and Kelley Bova, owner of the Scrappy Apple, designed a really cute winter scene complete with snowman, evergreen trees, snowflakes and a quilt!!

I have collected six patterns so far and hope to get to a few more quilt shops before the end of the month!!